Monday, August 24, 2009

Red and Yellow, Black and White

When I saw this building while driving through south Alabama some years ago, I had to stop and take a picture. Several things about the scene attracted me: the bright red and yellow two-tone design, the weathered-into-nothingness of the sign above that identified it, the fact that it's an old railroad car with the wheels removed...I just liked it. I also liked all the angles and linear elements. The two windows with awnings - was it a fast-food place? The No Smoking sign and the colors - a fireworks stand?

While I was scanning the picture, I wondered what it would look like as a black and white scene. And I liked the results of that, too.


  1. Oh yes, one of those southern fireworks stands. I can imagine that. I've never seen anything like the fireworks stands in the south. There was one near Pigeon Forge Tennessee that made my eyes explode.

    Very interesting shot. Would be fun to know when it was "planted" there and how long it's been abandoned.

  2. Yeah, subtlety doesn't sell fireworks. Since they can't be sold in Georgia at all, the businesses on the borders tend to clamor for our attention. Ask Jim at Dull Tool about buying hand-painted fireworks signs in the South.

    The image looks like one of John Baeder's diner paintings stripped of all signage.

  3. Nice shot. It's like a study of rectangles.
